2023 Christmas Event
Once again, in 2023, we placed a 20ft Christmas Tree outside YMCA Eastleigh. This was paid for with grant funding, as well as a Crowdfunding campaign across NSP. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Our friends from Bargate Homes also purchased and installed some aerial lighting, giving it a much more christmasy feel. We can’t thank them enough!
Despite the freezing cold weather, hundreds turned out once again for the light switch-on. During the event, we:
- were visited by Santa, with over 100 children visiting him in his grotto
- had performances on stage by the children from Stoneham Park Academy and the local Home Education Network
- were entertained by a local folk band, Plaitford Common
- had an exciting Christmas market, made up of local businesses and organisations
- provided free food to over 400 people
- had some snowfall during the light switch on!
The lights this year were switched on by Mark White, the MD of Bargate Homes.

Later on in the month, we hosted Community Carols around the tree with our friends from St Nic’s Church. Everyone gathered and sang, accompanied by a local group of bell ringers. We provided everyone with free hot drinks.

In the dead of the night, we placed knitted Christmas Trees on every door across NSP for people to hang on their tree. In 2021, we did knitted Angels and in 2022 it was knitted Stars. We already have exciting plans for next year!

The Christmas event is our highlight of the year and we really do love putting on this event for you all. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!