Donate to the NSCG
The NSCG aims to put on free events for all members of the Community. To do this, we rely on grant funding and donations. Any amount of money that you can spare really does make a difference to the community. We can’t thank you enough for any donations you are able to give.
There are a number of ways you can donate to us.
Bank Transfer
You can send money directly to our bank account:
Bank: Lloyds
Name: The North Stoneham Community Group
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Account Number: 79431968
Please use your name as the reference. If using this method, please either fill in the contact page on the website or drop us an email to let us know – [email protected]
Online Donation
Scan the QR code below to make a donation, or click here

You can also donate to us in person at our events. We have a number of charity buckets that you are welcome to deposit any of your spare change into.