The Board of Trustees have thought carefully and defined the following 5 values which they believe should apply to the North Stoneham Community Group at all times.
The North Stoneham Community Group Trustees want to model their relationships with each other as a group against what they would love to see more broadly in North Stoneham. The approach taken by the North Stoneham Community Group is a relational one. This extends to how they treat each other as Trustees and how they interact with others in the wider community. A family is a microcosm of community where ideally members support, encourage and care for one another. NSCG Trustees aim to feel connected to each other like family and to be a microcosm of the community they want to nurture.


North Stoneham is a vibrant and diverse community. The North Stoneham Community Group aims to include where possible and reasonable. This applies to Trustees, project groups and to the events and initiatives carried out by the group. How accessible is this event/initiative is a key question that is always asked.
Being thankful means not taking for granted the time, skills and contribution of all. Being thankful is part of the relational approach. The North Stoneham Community Group aims to be intentional and authentic about thanking all partners, stakeholders and supporters. We adopt a positive, can-do attitude.


The North Stoneham Community Group aims to work with the community, rather than ‘to’ or ‘for’. We will respond to the needs and ideas that arise from the community and facilitate involvement from people within the community, helping them to become part of the solution.
The North Stoneham Community Group aims for both the operational side and the life of the community to be sustainable. This means adopting processes that make the operation sustainable, as well as carrying out events and initiatives in an environmentally sustainable way.
The aim is for sustainability to assist the development of a culture of community exchange, which will foster community wellbeing.